In this case the information source provides an electrical signal to a transmitter comprising an electrical stage which drives an optical source to give modulation of the lightwave carrier. 在这种情况下,信源给发射机提供一个电信号,发射机中的电路驱动光源以实现对光载波的调制。
Xiongde Lighting products include: home and commercial lighting series of works lamps, metal halide lamp series optical Source. 雄的照明产品涵盖:家居与商业照明系列工程灯具,金属卤化物灯系列光源和电子节能灯系列光源。
The image collection include the design of optical source direction, the design of camera parameter, the design of optical source parameter, the design of optical system and mechanical device, and several locale test. 其中,采集部分包括光源投射方向设计、机械装置设计、摄像机参数设计、光源参数设计、光学系统参数设计,并进行了多次现场图像采集实验;
Therefore, effective temperature-controlling measures to the optical source and the sensing head or other measures like signal processing method have to be taken in the design of the optical current sensors to stabilizing the sensitivity of the measuring system. 因此在BGOCS设计中,须对光源和传感头采取有效的温度控制措施或其他如信号处理等措施以提高整个测量系统灵敏度的稳定性。
Research on the effect of spectral width of optical source on the measurement results of filter 光源谱线宽度对测量滤光片光谱分布影响的研究
Research on the stability of the optical source in fiber optic gyroscope 光纤陀螺光源稳定性研究
A laser diode with 860 nm wavelength is recommended to the optical source; 光源宜选择波长为860nm的激光二极管;
Dispersion compensation fiber is used to compress the ultra short optical pulse with the gain switched feedback laser diode as the optical source. 采用增益开关激光器作光源,利用色散补偿光纤对超短光脉冲进行了压缩。
The method of generating transform limited pulse using filter is analyzed, and the optimal bandwidth of the filter required to get transform limited pulse for given optical source is obtained. 研究了用滤波器产生变换限制脉冲的方法,导出了获得变换限制脉冲所需的滤波器优化带宽。
Analyze the main technique of optical sensor, including the fiber, optical source, fiber component, modulation technique. 对当前光纤传感的主要技术手段进行了研究和论述,对传感用的光纤、光源、光纤器件和调制手段作了归纳。
The influence of optical source chirp on femtosecond soliton interaction is studied numerically, and the unequal amplitude method can reduce the interaction. 数值研究了源啁啾飞秒孤子间相互作用,提出了抑制该作用的可能方案;
In the last decade, rapid progress in ultrafast laser technology provides a steady and reliable optical source for the THz pulses generation, which greatly promotes the research in the THz waveband that is difficult to access before. 近十几年来,随着超快激光技术的迅速发展,为THz脉冲的产生提供了稳定、可靠的激发光源,使THz辐射的产生和应用得到了蓬勃发展。
A system which measures the fiber composed of MCU, LCD, optical source and high speed A/ D converter, etc. is described. 介绍了一个由MCU,激光源,LCD和高速A/D等芯片构成的光纤测量系统。
Soliton interaction with chirp from optical source in nonlinear monomode optical fibers is studied numerically by using slit-step Fourier transform method in detail. 本文采用分步傅氏变换法对非线性单模光纤中源啁啾孤子相互作用进行了详细的数值研究。
In the experiment, the tunability of filter could be realized by changing the input light wavelength, and the effect of optical source coherence length on the performance of incoherent photonic microwave filter is especially researched. 实验中,滤波器的调谐通过改变输入光波波长实现,其中重点研究了光源相干长度对光子微波滤波器性能的影响。
An Auto-measuring system for spectral responsibility composed of optical source, grating monochromator, removable detector platform, lock-in amplifier, computer and measuring software is briefly introduced, the auto-measuring software for spectral responsibility with VB is illustrated. 简述了由光源、光栅单色仪、移动探测器平台、锁相放大器以及计算机和测试软件组成的光谱响应的测试系统,介绍了用VB实现的光谱响应自动测试软件。
Optical Controlled Microwave Time Delay Technology Based on Broad Band Optical Source 基于宽谱光源的光控微波延时技术
A digital optical projector is used as the optical source, and the electrical grating is generated by computer. 实验系统光源采用数字光学投影仪,并用计算机生成电子光栅。
The results show the essentiality of the influence of optical source chirp on soliton interaction, and provide the foundation for the design of soliton transmission systems in the existence of optical source chirp. 所得结果揭示了先源啁啾对孤子相互作用影响的本质,为设计光源啁啾情况下的孤子传转系统提供了依据。
The results show that the optical source, polarizer and couplers have the remarkable influences on the system performance. 结果表明:在所有的元器件中,光源、起偏器与耦合器对系统性能影响最为明显。
Technology Investigation on the Coupling between LD and Tapered Fiber The overall scheme is determined, and three key components of optical source, optical filter and taper fiber as a device of concentrating optical wave are designed. The result shows that the scheme is feasible. 确定了系统的总体方案,并对其中光源、滤波器、作为合波装置的锥形光纤三个关键器件进行了设计,分析结果表明该方案是可行的。
Optical source is restricted to multilongitudinal-mode diode lasers, which is widely used presently. 光源限于目前被广泛使用的多级模半导体激光器。
Tunable Laser is an ideal optical source in WDM Optical Networks. It is important components in Optical Packet Switching and it is also used in router of access networks. 可调激光器是WDM光网络系统的理想光源,同时可以用作光分组交换网络结构器件、接入网波长路由器等方面,是当今光通信技术的研究热点之一。
Effect of characteristics of optical source on zero drift of fiber optic gyro 光源特性对光纤陀螺中零位漂移影响的分析
This paper focuses on the effect of spectral width of the optical source on the output of Bulk Glass Optical Current Sensor ( BGOCS). 本文选定以保偏膜式光学玻璃电流传感器(BulkGlassOpticalCurrentSensor:BGOCS)为研究对象,研究了光源谱宽对其输出的影响。
Pump power hysteresis affects the stabilization of the repetition rate of a fiber laser based on nonlinear polarization rotation technique, and the importance of characteristic of wavelength tuning is distinct when fiber laser apply to communication optical source. 在基于非线性偏振旋转技术的光纤激光器中,泵浦功率滞后现象影响激光器输出重复率的稳定性。而波长调谐特性对通信光源而言其重要性不言而喻。
Simulation research on harmonic detection optical fiber gas sensor based on narrowband optical source was processed. 此外,还对基于窄带光源的谐波检测光纤气体传感器进行了仿真研究。
As a sensing element, optical grating transforms information measured to the movement of reflected wavelength that is wavelength coding. As a result, it can not be influenced by the fluctuation of optical source power and system loss. 作为传感器件,光纤光栅把被测参量的信号转化为其反射波长的偏移,既波长编码,因此可以不受光源的功率波动和系统损耗的影响。